Steel World News

Chung Hung Steel raise the price of HRC / CRC


Thus, HRC price of hot rolled steel coil

Japan offering HRC revaluation in the Middle East


While vendors CIS including Russia and Ukraine in the Middle East offering price U.S. $ 630-650 per ton C & F, this price is also higher than 30-50 per tonne compared to earlier.


Currently, suppliers of Korean Posco has not set a new bid for the Middle East. The absence of Posco facilitate Japanese suppliers raising prices in this market.

Situation in world steel production month 11/2010


Generally 11 months of the year, world crude steel output reached 1.281 billion tons, up 16.2% over the same month last year.

In Asia, crude steel output of China reached 50.2 million tons last month, up 4.8% compared with May 2009. Japan's output reached 9 million tons, up 1.4% in Korea reached 5.2 million tons, up 16.4%.

Situation of China Steel Market Week (17 - 24/12/2010)


Sản lượng hằng ngày là 3.8039 triệu tấn, tăng 17,600 tấn hoặc 0.46% so với tháng trước.


Offering HRC prices in Southeast Asia


A trader in Ho Chi Minh City, said in mid-December and early last week, Vietnam has re-re-shipment export HRC 2mm rolled back imports from Russia for $ 615 USD per tonne fob, but the volume sold by the vendor is not much for that price would increase.

Export volume of around 40,000 to 50,000 tons to India and to traders, who are expected to increase prices after the new year.

Chinese stainless steel prices maintain stability


However, trading last week have been weak nickel prices were down.


In particular, 3mm HRC 304 in the week ending on 20/12 cost is 22500-22700 yuan / ton (U.S. $ 3392-3422 per tonne), up 100 yuan per ton compared to 02 last week. CRC 304/2B 2mm longer sold at 24000-24300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              24000-24300      end_of_the_skype_highlighting yuan per ton, up 200 yuan per ton compared to 02 transactions a week ago.

Posco steel prices unchanged in the first quarter in 2011


Posco The reason is because such decisions to maintain market stability and increase sales, according to company spokesman said.

Thus, the price of hot rolled steel and cold rolled coil in turn will cost 900,000 won per ton (783 tonne) and 1.02 million won per ton. Thick steel plates also cost 950,000 won per ton.

Hegang raising prices of construction steel 01 months


Including steel plants and steel colls month to 01 years by 50 yuan per ton ($ 8 tons) compared to mid-December.


Among them, 16-25mm HRB335 rebar of Hegang will be raised to 4550 yuan / ton (685 USD / tonne), including 17% VAT and Q235 steel 6.5mm colls raised 4600 yuan per ton.


According to sources in Beijing next month to raise the price of Hegang lower than market expectations.


Price of steel products in Northern Europe 01 months increase


A large manufacturer in the region said it has temporarily withdrawn from the market, leaving many traders think that prices will rise early last year.


While sources in France and the Benelux also said the orders were delivered April 01 and 02 has increased, so the manufacturer is considering all factors before returning to the market in the second week of May 01. This is a signal that production capacity will increase the offer price.


Spot Market Chinese steel prices


Manufacturers such as Ma'anshan Iron & Steel (Magang), Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Taigang) and Shougang also simultaneously raise the price of flat steel products for the month to 01 years, this is the reason leading to the increase prices for hot rolled steel and cold rolled in the spot market such as Shanghai and Guangdong in the week.


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